Your Family Law Case
1. Initial Information Needed.
Step 1 gathers the information necessary to draft the documents that will start your case. Please follow the link and fill out the form for your type of case.
2. Process Overview.
Step 2 reviews the process for each case type so you can understand the different steps involved in your case and what to expect along the way. Please review the process for your case type.
3, Financial Declaration.
The local rules in many courts require that you submit a financial declaration in any family law case. Step 3 walks you through how to submit this information.
4. Child Support.
Step 4 gathers information we need to calculate child support in your case. Child support is based on income, health insurance information, childcare costs, and the amount of parenting time each parent spends with the child.
5. Child Support Account.
If this is a new filing, we need to open a child support account so that child support can be paid through the state collection system. Step 5 gathers the information we need to open a child support account. Please skip to Step 6 if you already have a child support account.
6. Parenting Plan.
Our job is to represent your interests with regards to custody and parenting time. To do this we need to understand what you want to ask the Court to order for parenting time. Here we walk you through example parenting plans so that you can begin thinking about want you want to request in your case.
7. Best Interests.
Child Custody is decided based upon the best interests of the child. In Step 7 we review this standard and give examples of the types of evidence we are looking for to start building a best interests argument.
8. Discovery.
At some point in your case, you may receive notice that we received discovery requests from the opposing party. Discovery is the process where each party in a lawsuit collects information and documentation relevant to the case from the opposing party. Step 8 talks explains how to respond to discovery requests.