3. Financial Declaration - Custody/Paternity
This financial declaration is a document simplifies your family’s financial position for the Court’s ease of understanding and its accuracy must be sworn under oath.
You can either print the Excel spreadsheet and handwrite the corrected/updated information, or you fill out the form below.
Gross Weekly Income – Please identify all of your sources of income, including any bonuses or rental income you may receive. If you feel as though this year’s bonus is inconsistent with the bonuses you typically receive, you can use a three-year average of your bonuses. Please note that if you have rental income, you can deduct any out-of-pocket expenses you pay for the maintenance or management of the property from the actual rent received from the tenants each month. Please note that only mandatory taxes may be removed from your gross pay to calculate your net pay.
Monthly Expenses & Deductions from Income – Please use monthly average figures for this worksheet. Any expense which you pay on an annual basis, please divide by 12 and use that figure.
Upload Pay Stubs – Please upload your three most recent paystubs to the form.