6. Parenting Plan
Each family is unique and there is not a single custody and visitation solution that works for everyone. Indiana has adopted the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines which represent the minimum time a parent should have to maintain frequent, meaningful, and continuing contact with a child.
This step has two purposes. (1) To become familiar with the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines because they will likely be incorporated into your case to some degree; and (2) To begin thinking about what parenting plan can fit your family and what you want to ask the court to do.
The Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines
The Indiana Parenting time Guidelines provide guidance for a lot of things that can occur during a co-parenting relationship. Some of the important things to know from the guidelines are as follows:
Transportation Responsibilities
Unless otherwise agreed between the parents, the parent receiving the child shall provide transportation for the child at the start of the scheduled parenting time and the other parent shall provide transportation for the child at the end of the scheduled parenting time.
Opportunity for Additional Parenting Time
When it becomes necessary that a child be cared for by a person other than a parent or a responsible household family member, the parent needing the child care shall first offer the other parent the opportunity for additional parenting time, if providing the child care by the other parent is practical considering the time available and the distance between residences. The other parent is under no obligation to provide the child care. If the other parent elects to provide this care, it shall be done at no cost and without affecting child support. The parent exercising additional parenting time shall provide the necessary transportation unless the parties otherwise agree.
When either parent or other person who has custody or parenting time considers a change of residence, a 90 day advance notice of the intent to move must be provided to the other parent or person.
6. Emergency Notification. For emergency notification purposes, whenever a child travels out of the area with either parent, one of the following shall be provided to the other parent: An itinerary of travel dates, destinations, and places where the child or the traveling parent can be reached, or the name and telephone number of an available third person who knows where the child or parent may be located.
Communication with Child
2. With A Child Generally. A child and a parent shall be entitled to private communications without interference from the other parent. A child shall never be used by one parent to spy or report on the other. Each parent shall encourage the child to respect and love the other parent. Parents shall at all times avoid speaking negatively about each other in or near the presence of the child, and they shall firmly discourage such conduct by relatives or friends.
3. With A Child By Telephone. Both parents shall have reasonable phone access to their child. Telephone communication with the child by either parent to the residence where the child is located shall be conducted at reasonable hours, shall be of reasonable duration, and at reasonable intervals, without interference from the other parent.
Common Parenting Time Schedules
As we stated above, the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines are only one way to set up parenting time. This is the schedule where there is every other weekend and one evening or night midweek. Outside of the guidelines, there are several other common custody arrangements for splitting up parenting time that you can consider. Three common ones include
The 2-2-3 Visitation Schedule. In the 2-2-3 schedule, your child lives with one parent for 2 days of the week, the next 2 days with the other parent, and then 3 days with the first parent. The next week it switches.
The 3-4-4-3 Visitation Schedule. The 3-4-4-3 schedule is a schedule that has your child stay with one parent for 3 days of the week and then 4 days with the other parent. The next week it switches so the first parent has the child for 4 days and the other parent 3.
Alternating Weeks. Your child spends 1 week with one parent and the next week with the other parent. This repeats throughout the year.
Three Weekends. Your child spends three weekends a month with one parent and the rest of the time with the other parent.
Every Other Weekend with Sundays. This is a common expansion to guideline parenting time where the parent keeps the child over Sunday evening and is responsible for getting the child to school or daycare on Monday mornings.
You can also find more examples through Custody Xchange which can help craft different visitation schedules.
Restricted/Supervised Parenting Time
The Parenting Time Guidelines are the minimum time a parent should have, but there are times where a parent’s parenting time may be restricted. One example of this is if the parent does not have a relationship with the child. Often times the court will phase in parenting time in this situation. Another example would be if there are drug issues or domestic violence issues that would cause concern. In these situations the Court may order supervised parenting time. The standard is that traditional parenting time would endanger the child’s physical health or significantly impair emotional development. With supervised parenting time the Court may allow a family member to supervise, but often the court will use a third party supervising service such as Mending Fences which is included below for reference.
Parenting Journal
Co-Parenting Parenting Applications
Some co-parenting situations can be difficult. We often recommend using the assistance of a parenting app which will require that both parents use the app to communicate outside of emergencies. This essentially controls the communication and is a good way to document everything that is going on in your case. Some parenting apps are included below. Let us know if you want to use one of these apps so we can be sure that we request that it is a part of your court order.
Custody Xchange - Example Custody Schedules & Useful Tools
AppClose - Co-Parenting Communication Tool
Talking Parents - Co-Parenting Communication Tool
Our Family Wizard - Co-Parenting Communication Tool
Mending Fences - Supervised Parenting Center