AppClose: An app to help with co-parenting.


Successful co-parenting relies heavily on clear communication between both parents. Important things such as a request to pay a medical bill or a notice to the other parent regarding a parent teacher conference can get lost, forgotten, or miscommunicated. I often times refer my clients to applications that can help them communicate better and document all of the important things that come up as you are co-parenting. AppClose is one of those applications that will help you manage the important things, such as:

  • Keeping a parenting time calendar where both parties can easily request changes to scheduled times.

  • Requesting reimbursement and obtaining payment for school fees or medical bills.

  • Keeping track of your child’s medical information and updates

  • Tracking all of your communications in one place.

Ultimately, an app like AppClose can keep things from slipping through the cracks and keeps all of your information in one place. I have seen first hand how having both parents commit to working through an application like this can make a big difference. Feel free to give our office a call if you want to learn more about successful co-parenting.


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